Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm starting to blog again!

Let's go!
This is the Costume Trunk...

I really like the set. :)

See me and Buttercupi sitting on these X's? That's how you
open the secret room.

Stand on the X's to open the treasure chest!

This is the underground room, and there's the pin!

On to igloo furniture,
Yellow= Shoe Rack
Black= Coat Rack
Blue= Wood Stove
Red= Fireplace

And here's the new igloos.

Best for last, THIS is the new Fire dojo!

Signing off,
Camiroo <3


Unknown said...

Hey, could you also create a blog about cool game called Chobots? They could make you an agent for that!

Allie Rocks3 said...

Please start posting again :'(